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Skype Cuts Off Another VoIP Mobile App, Nimbuzz

Written by Nicole Hayward | October 25, 2010 at 3:45 PM

For everyone who knows about Fring, this will come of no surprise: Skype recently stopped Skype network access for another chat/VoIP client, Nimbuzz.

According to the Nimbuzz website, their "application enables people to enjoy free & low cost mobile calls, free instant messaging, social networking and other rich communication features, using the internet capabilities of the their mobile device." Users are able to add friends on several different networks (Gchat, Facebook, AIM, ICQ, etc.) for chatting and calling. Up until today, that included Skype.

"Nimbuzz, told The INQUIRER exclusively that Skype had asked it to 'remove all support' for Skype from its VoIP and messaging client from 31 October. The news comes after Nimbuzz announced that it had over 150 million downloads of its software and racked up over 3.65 billion voice minutes through its software. Now the firm is saying that Skype's decision to disconnect it from the network is due to its 'mandate to disconnect with all third party VoIP services ahead of its impending IPO [initial public offering],' said The INQUIRER

The INQUIRER goes on to quote Tobias Kemper, US general manager at Nimbuzz, detailing that they attempted to stick to Skype's policies as well as bring Skype to more operating systems. Nevertheless, it seems clear that Skype found them to be a competitor, not an opportunity for revenue, and thus cut off their traffic. Since Skype continues to be the leader in VoIP for personal use, I don't have much to say on the matter... Except, "Hello Nimbuzz, meet SIP!"