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Google Fixing IE for Microsoft

Written by Leo Zheng | September 29, 2009 at 4:28 PM

New Javascript performance improvements and HTML5 are allowing web applications to do things that used to be only possible with desktop software. Unfortunately, IE, which is still the most widely-used browser, really isn’t up to speed, meaning that a lot of developers will probably have to devote a huge portion of their time making sure their apps are IE compatible instead of actually developing. The Junction Networks team is certainly no stranger to the woes of running outdated versions of IE.

IE currently runs Javascript much slower than other browsers and lacks sufficient HTML 5 support. Furthermore, each version of IE seems to have its own set of CSS rules, which gives our developers more headaches than they need.

Maybe that is why we’re relieved that someone is stepping up, even if it’s not Microsoft. Google’s recently announced Google Chrome Frame is essentially an open source plug-in that brings HTML5 and other open web technologies to IE. Maybe this will mean that my.OnSIP will actually run in IE6 when the plug-in is downloaded.