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You're Invited to a VoIPathon Hosted by the VUC

Written by Joe DeBari | April 1, 2015 at 2:08 PM

Grab some coffee, settle in a comfy chair, and meet us at the VoIP Users Conference VoIPathon! OnSIP Cofounder and CEO Mike Oeth will be participating in a VoIPathon this Thursday, April 2, hosted by the VoIP Users Conference* (VUC). The VoIPathon starts on Thursday at 12 Noon PDT and will end around 24 hours later.

The marathon event, titled “VoIPathon - 8 Years of VUC Every Friday,” will be celebrating the start of the 9th year of VUC’s Friday gatherings, as well as spotlighting what they term the “Internet for Good.” There are a variety of ways to participate:

  • Using a phone- Call ZipDX using one of these local rate numbers
  • Calling in via SIP- Call 200901@conf.zipdx.com
  • Watching the live video- Go to this website

Panelists who join the VoIPathon are encouraged to promote their favorite charities and other Internet endeavors while they are on the air. This is a perfect venue to discover an assortment of charities that you may not have heard about, but are nevertheless having substantial impacts on the world.

OnSIP CTO John Riordan discusses Busy Lamp Field during a prior VoIP Users Conference

Mike will be calling in around 4pm EDT/ 1pm PDT to participate in the discussion. He will be talking about a couple of non-profit charities that are also customers of OnSIP, employing our Hosted PBX platform in their businesses. It is our pleasure to promote these good companies and the important issues they are addressing on a day-to-day basis.

The VoIP Users Conference is a community of IP communications and VoIP enthusiasts who hold a weekly live discussion about VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and other communication technologies / topics. These sessions occur every Friday at 12 Noon Eastern Time (9am Pacific). OnSIP is delighted to be a long-time sponsor of the VUC.

"The VUC brings together people from all parts of the IP communications community," said OnSIP Principal Engineer Eric Tamme. "It fosters conversations about technology, highlights new and interesting projects, and promotes awareness of current and emerging issues related to communications."

Tune in tomorrow at 4pm Eastern/ 1pm Pacific to catch Mike Oeth on the panel, and spread the word about this VoIPathon to give these charities the recognition they deserve. Instructions on how to watch the event can be found here.

*Now known as Visions Under Construction.