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Recap of the VoIP Users Conference VoIPathon

Written by Kevin Bartley | April 10, 2015 at 3:17 PM

Last Thursday, April 2, OnSIP Cofounder and CEO Mike Oeth participated in the VoIP Users Conference (VUC) VoIPathon, a marathon 24 hour event marking the VUC’s 9th year of weekly Friday video conferences. Mike was happy to call into the conference and spend some time with the other participants. Randy Resnick, the moderator, hosted an engaging call covering many different topics.

Mike Oeth calling into the VUC’s VoIPathon

The VoIPathon was the VUC’s 535th conference call, and kicked off the beginning of their 9th year of weekly conferences. Every Friday at 12 Noon Eastern, the VUC hosts a live discussion on VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and other telephony-related topics. OnSIP is proud to be a long-time sponsor of the VUC, and has participated in these calls numerous times.

The other main topic of the VoIPathon focused on the “Internet for Good,” and participants were encouraged to talk about their favorite Internet charities and endeavors. Mike spoke about 3 important charities that are also using OnSIP’s Business VoIP solution for their phone systems. These charities are addressing valuable causes, and we are glad to promote awareness of them and their efforts.

Tuesday’s Children is a charity “founded to foster long term healing in families directly impacted by the events of September 11th.” They have since expanded their efforts to provide services to families / volunteers / veterans from all over the world who are impacted by terrorism and other tragedies.

MANA Nutrition is a company that makes MANA (Mother Administered Nutritive Aid), a food product made of fortified peanut paste that is crafted to provide a child’s basic nutritional needs. The product gets distributed throughout Africa, Guatemala, and North Korea.

Little Kids Rock is a charity whose focus is on ensuring all K-12 students have access to music education. They are promoting their Modern Band program in some of the nation’s most economically disadvantaged communities.

Randy spoke about some of the charities he works with including Kiva.org, which provides micro-loans to individuals and groups around the world. Mike was so enamored with the idea, that during the call he actually setup a Kiva.org account and funded two different loans.

"I was very pleased to be able to participate in the VoIPathon," said Mike Oeth. "Randy and the VUC are a great group to be involved with and I'm glad I was able to promote some worthy causes during the event. Here's hoping for nine more years of the VUC."

Other participants in the VoIPathon included Michael Graves from ZipDX, and Allison Smith, the internationally recognized professional voice talent, specializing in telephone voice recordings.

Many thanks to the VUC for a fun VoIPathon, and here’s to your continued success in the future!