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OnSIP Travels to Global WebRTC Ecosystem Event

Written by Kevin Bartley | June 26, 2013 at 4:28 PM

WebRTC is a powerful API that enables voice calling, video chat, and P2P file sharing without plugins. Yesterday, Firefox 22 became the second major browser to support WebRTC. For OnSIP, WebRTC is seen as a crucial tool for initiating real-time communications. This year, the Global WebRTC Ecosystem Event is being held June 25 – 27 at the Cobb Galleria in Atlanta, Georgia. OnSIP sent two of our engineers, Will Mitchell and Eric Tamme, to engage in the discussions offered at the expo.

The conference is comprised of several workshops and keynote speeches. The workshops give technical overviews of how to write and implement WebRTC applications. Google is hosting a workshop offering an overview of the Google WebRTC implementation and how to write applications to run with Chrome. Experts who created the WebRTC concept and the open source WebRTC code base for Google are teaching the workshop. Other workshops include Digium’s take on how to extend the reach and capability of Asterisk and Priologic’s demonstration of the easyRTC architectures.


Will Mitchell (L), Peter Radizeski of Vidtel (C) Eric Tamme (R)

The keynote speakers come from diverse corporate backgrounds. AT&T, Ericsson, Mozilla, Cisco, Google, and Oracle all have speakers that will share their unique observations and insights about WebRTC. Speaker topics include: SIP and WebRTC Frenemies or?, WebRTC Impact on Current Enterprise Telecom Solutions, Three Markets to Watch – WebRTC Impact, and Business Introduction to WebRTC.

For Will and Eric, the main draw of the conference thus far was the IETF and W3C Standards Reports. In this talk, key leaders and contributors to the IETF and W3C standards efforts reported on the progress of the standards and how they will come to conclusion and release. The talk was critical in helping attendees to understand when to start their WebRTC development and release.

Telcos, enterprises, website owners, and developers are all attending the three day conference. Will and Eric ran into Vidtel's Peter Radizeski, a company that's doing cool things with WebRTC. You can also make external SIP calls to their video conferencing solutions with OnSIP. Though the attendees have varied backgrounds, they have a shared purpose; they all want to harness the power of an API that could change communication via the Internet. The wide pool of attendees is a testament to the far-reaching effects WebRTC might have on just about any industry that utilizes browser to browser applications.