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OnSIP Connects With Industry Partners at Channel Partners Evolution

Written by Joe DeBari | August 24, 2016 at 2:36 PM

Last week, the OnSIP Channel team attended Channel Partners Evolution in Washington D.C. to meet with Agents, Partners, and other providers in the technology services industry.

Channel Partners Evolution, formally Cloud Partners, welcomed Agents, VARS, MSPs, Systems Integrators, and Consultants to meet with Suppliers, network with peers, and learn more about the telecom, cloud, and the IT industries. With other 150 exhibitors and 2,700 attendees, the show was filled with reps from across the country. Sponsors of the event included AT&T, Rackspace, Verizon, Google Fiber, and Samsung.

Helene Kidary with Ben Winnie, Agent Sales Manager of YipTel, at the Telarus booth

The focus of the show was on the abundance of emerging channel opportunities: "A decade ago, most businesses needed a few phone lines, a standalone office suite and some accounting software. Done. Today, every business is a digital business." [Source]

Just another Funday Monday at Channel Partners Evolution!

Helene Kidary, OnSIP VP Channel Sales, and Chuck Dunne, OnSIP Channel Support Manager, attended the show to meet with Agents and Partners, including Gil Puentes, President of Bridge Communications, and Kara Lee, Vice President Customer Success of Gorilla Corporation.

Andrew Pryfogle, SVP Cloud Transformation of Intelisys putting Don Felman, Partner Executive of PGi, in the “Hot Seat”

On Monday, Andrew Pryfogle, SVP Cloud Transformation of Intelisys, hosted a keynote session on the landscape of the industry today. He discussed the 'hot topics' that were buzz-worthy at the event, including data storage, SD-WAN, UC / CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service), security, IoT, and VARS.

On the topic of VARS, our VP Channel Sales, Helene Kidary, comments:

"Cloud is here. And it's not whether you should do it, it's do it so you can weather. VARS are going to need to move to a recurring revenue model for sustainability, and there is one of two ways this can happen. They can spend the time and resources retooling their model, or they can form a partnership with a cloud provider. That's where we come in."

Helene Kidary with Amy (Giberson) Bailey, Vice President of Marketing at Telarus Inc. In addition to learning more about new developments in the industry, we also got the chance to reunite and catch up with some good friends. Helene Kidary with Kevin Bartnicki, Director of Sales for VoIP Logic

"I haven't seen Kevin since 2001, when he worked for Global Crossing with other close friends of mine. He just smiled and said, 'I am back in the company of 'family'." - Helene

We had a blast at Channel Partners Evolution, and we are looking forward to the next Channel Partners conference in Las Vegas in April 2017!

"At lunch getting some sweet stuff from OnSIP!” - Nancy Ridge, EVP Telecom Brokers